Marcus Blake Simonetti

Marcus Blake Simonetti
for Maxatawny Township Supervisor
VOTE MAY 16th 2023
Marcus Blake Simonetti
Marcus Blake Simonetti is a long-time Maxatawny resident. Raised in Berks County, he and his family will work hard for our township. He owns and operates a historic building contracting company with many ties to the local community. Much of his work takes place on the many farms in our area. Through this work and his passion for outdoor hobbies of hunting and fishing, he understands how damaging these warehouses and unchecked development will be for our treasured environments.

Stop Warehouse Development
Proposed warehouses will create traffic nightmares. Currently, 5 warehouses are proposed for Maxatawny Township. These projects could add over 7,000 tractor-trailers small and 4,000 trucks and cars daily to our local roads. Today tractor trailers routinely use roads they are prohibited from using. State police do not enforce the restrictions. This use will damage our infrastructure costing residents thousands in repairs and maintenance.

Elect Marcus Blake Simonetti
Preserve our Rural Community
Warehouse development threatens water, air, and our rural quality of life. One proposed warehouse would use 56,000 gallons of water per day. At this time 5 warehouses are proposed. Our aquifers can not sustain this use. Air quality will suffer. The Kutztown area is currently 2 times greater than the recommended safe air standard. This substantial increase will greatly affect our air quality and cause health problems for residents.

Smart Progress
Elect supervisors who will support projects that add value to our community. We can preserve the rural quality of Maxatawny Township. We need supervisors who will represent the people who live here. Supervisors who will stand up to out-of-state and big-money corporations who do not care about our community.